The missing Tool for Tech Leaders

You write, test, debug, and deploy code with one integrated tool.

Outropy brings that same level of integration to leadership tasks.

Outropy is the VS Code for Everything Else

Always in the loop

Wherever you are – Calendar, Docs, Slack, GitHub, Figma, Jira – Outropy is just a few keystrokes away. Ready to instantly provide you with the relevant context and insights, ensuring you're always in the loop and on top of everything that's happening.

Outropy in action

Don’t break their flow

Staying informed shouldn't mean disrupting your team's flow. Outropy eliminates the need for constant check-ins, as it understands how documents, conversations, code, and meetings belong to the same projects and keeps an eye on them. Want to know the latest on a particular topic? No need to disturb your team asking for status updates, just ask Outropy.

Outropy in action

Context brought to you

You spend your days going from project management, to 1:1 meetings to reviewing documents to a million other things. Outropy eases the pain of context-switching by delivering contextual information that is relevant to what you are doing at that very moment. It remembers where you left off and keeps track of everything important that has changed.

Outropy in action

What are people saying

A lot of my daily job involves reading documents and messages, understanding what is happening across projects from my teams and others, and assessing their impact. Right now, I am returning from a two-day vacation and dreading that I will waste a day catching up.
Director, Duolingo
As an architect, I easily miss important conversations among the hundreds of channels engineers use. I can't wait for the integrations with GitHub and Jira. It will give me a very close to complete view of what is happening at the company and the multiple groups I support.
Principal Engineer, DigitalOcean
I keep track of any projects that might affect our infrastructure, which usually means constantly nagging people to update spreadsheets and enduring endless weekly meetings. Outropy understands my team's work and brings to my attention any activity that could impact us. This frees up a lot of time I can now use to focus on our own initiatives.
Engineering Manager - DevOps, SeatGeek
I constantly try to parse long Slack threads/discussions to determine whether I must act. Outropy is super useful for understanding discussions that span multiple channels.
Vice President of Engineering, Braze
I love that it brings context in a language that makes sense to me personally and not a generic ChatGPT summary. This can save me days of work in any given month.
Senior Director, Shopify
Every day, I'm all over the place with five or six projects at once. I've tried a bunch of tools to get organized, but they only work if everyone installs them, which never happens. Outropy is different. It understands how we work and fits right in; no big changes are needed. It's like having an extra brain that keeps everything straight for us.
Principal Engineer, Okta
Tracking related threads around an outage, incident, or even a product feature fragmented across tools is really cool. I literally have to manually set myself to be notified via email about every single change made to any of some colleague's docs because they are terrible at letting anyone in engineering know about changes that impact us. I knew stuff by stalking every document.
Engineering Manager, Strava
Outropy has this nifty feature that allows you to search for a discussion topic or a project. It gives you the whole context of what happened since the last time you checked in. It is a solid way to fight FOMO at work without wasting hours reading through stuff.
Staff Engineer, Netflix

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